Saturday, June 9, 2012

Current Eye Research

'Current Eye Research' 28"x36" Oil on canvas
A landscape 'kit-cat' sized painting I did of my father wearing his favourite 'Current Eye Research' shirt, prior to my emigration to Canada.

My father, before his retirement, had been a Don at Oxford University in the Ophthalmology department, where he had taught and undertaken research since the mid-1970's.

Current Eye Research (an ophthalmological journal) used to hand out very high quality "freebies" at their eye conferences... the usual things such as mugs and shirts, but also some very, very strange items that included such "treasures" as "decorative" pottery tears embossed with maps of the world.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


'Katya' 36"x22" Acrylic on canvas
A portrait of my eldest niece Ekaterina (shortened to "Katya"). She is a bundle of energy and "fun"... a real tomboy.

She is wearing a fancy-dress costume for a performance, but still has on her red shoes with the flashing lights in their heels.