Saturday, January 17, 2015

Painting Bird Specimens at the Biodiversity Museum

'Owl' 24½"x18½" Oil on canvas
A sketch of a stuffed owl that I painted at the UBC Beaty Biodiversity Museum. I seem to have done a huge number of studies from mounted bird specimens that are stored in the back-room study collections of the museum.

I must admit that this little fellow had a lot of charm for a stuffed bird, he just sits there so co-operatively! I just have to remember not to let my equipment spread out onto the "Fish Guy's" work benches....

Friday, January 16, 2015


'You Don't Say?' 20"x26" Oil on canvas, underpainting
A painting that I'm currently working on. This is the umber "Dead-colour" layer of a portrait of an artist friend, with one of my studio-mates' spaces in the background.

Although this is a small painting for me, this is the standard way that I typically produce paintings (well at least it's one of the ways in which to fashion a painting that I was trained in).

I will be working this up to full completion over the next week or so, and might well post further images of the work in progress as well as the final piece.